harry potter

Harry Potter, you're my hero. Sure, you've defeated a three-headed dog and a giant snake in your movies, but now, you're pulling off magic tricks in real life -- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the first movie tie-in videogame of the summer that I've actually had some fun playing.Ten points for Gryffindor.In case you're a big lame-o and didn't know it, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix storms into movie theaters in July and follows Harry, Ron and Hermione through their fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry's keen on the idea that He Who Shall Not Be Named is back and when the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor refuses to teach defensive spells, Harry and the Potter Posse take matters into their own hands.

in reference to: http://casualdownloads.blogspot.com/ (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jari Operating System

Jari OS version 0.0.1 alpha is out.

All features are implemented, now we have an operating system platform for better development process.

It was a great job. Next releases will be more stable, more featured. We are planning to have a normal networking support, usb stack, ATAPI and other features for stable release (0.0.1).

Currently source tarball and raw hd image is available for download.

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NewOS Operating System

What is NewOS?

NewOS is a open source operating system with an emphasis on design and portability. It is largely implemented in C/C++, with a small amount of assembly. Full source is available.

Currently, the system is mostly a kernel with a minimal amount of user space libraries and applications. Thus far, most of the work has been put into the kernel and other underlying support. As a result the system isn't that interesting from an end-user point of view (no gui, simple commands on a command line), but that can change given a moderate amount of work by the maintainers or any volunteers.

The main developer is Travis Geiselbrecht (geist@newos.org). You can get in contact with him in a variety of ways. Also see the acknowledgements page for a list of other contributors.


Explore some areas of modern OS design

Provide a flexible framework to build other systems out of

Cross-platform portability

Provide a clean implementation that can be used as a learning tool for others

Provide an educational opportunity for developers

To have fun!

Web Operating System

The idea behind eyeOS is not to have an Operating System inside an Operating System, or a browser inside a browser. Instead, eyeOS is another step in the digital life era. The goals for eyeOS include::

  • Being able to work from everywhere, regardless of whether or not you are using a full-featured, modern computer, a mobile gadget, or a completely obsolete PC.
  • Sharing resources easily between different work centers at company, or working from different places and countries on the same projects.
  • Always enjoying the same applications with the same open formats, and forgetting the usual compatibility problems between office suites and traditional operating systems.
  • Being able to continue working if you have to leave your local computer or if it just crashes, without loosing data or time: Just log in to your eyeOS from another place and continue working.
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Cloud Os

gOS Rocket E desktopImage via Wikipedia

Cloud Operating system is the new buzz in the operating systems. Fortunately gOS is launching a new operating system cloud 1.0 ,that will be optimized for NetBooks.
It will combine Browsers and Operating system.
More information is available here......click to go.

Cloud Computing
cloud+computer=cloud computing

Cloud computing is an idea that what makes up your "personal computer" - your desktop, your apps, and your data, - can live and run on the Internet instead of on your hard drive.
more info.... click to go
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